Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!

The Beacon, Rendlesham
It was amazing to see all the staff gather in solidarity to support the fundraising efforts for children all over the country.
But poor Maria sadly got COVID!
At least we have these pics to tell the story of what all the staff, children and parents got up to.
Get well and come back soon, Maria – we need your amazing face-painting skills!

St Patrick’s Day was wonderful here at the Beacon. Have a look at the amazing display our budding artists did. Brilliant stuff!

Bluebell, Eltisley
Bluebell have a resident mini tiger prowling around at the moment, looking for whomever to devour as long as they are smaller than him (and furry!)

The Appletree, Attleborough
Bramley Room have had a fantastic time recently. Earlier in the week, they did a water absorption experiment with coloured water and tissue, guessing what happens to the tissue once in the water.
The children guessed it would soak up, change colour and turn blue. They left the tissue for a while and went off to play in the garden.
When they came back in, they eagerly went to check on their experiment to see what had happened. The children were amazed to notice that there was green on the yellow and blue tissue where it had mixed.
They also made their our own daffodils to match the flowers in the garden. They learnt about the parts of the daffodil and then painted the trumpet and the petals yellow, as well as painting the stem green.
Phew! What a week – and it’s only Wednesday! I wonder what adventures they will get up to next?

The Cornerstone, Martlesham
In the Barn Owls room, the children have been using The Dear Zoo story sack to learn all about animals, numbers and colours.
The children were copying animal noises throughout the story. Some children worked as a team to build a tower using the story-stacking blocks

In the Ducklings room, we’ve been exploring flour and oats. We’ve been using a variety of pots and cutlery such as spoons of all different sizes.
The children have been finding ways to fill and empty the pots and – words such as small, big, full, empty, more and less were used during the activity to extend children's language.

Head Start, Ramsey
We had Mother’s Day and St Patrick’s day themed week – which was very messy indeed!
The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about St Patrick’s Day and exploring the rice shaped as shamrocks, as well as playing with lots of golden coins. We talked about the colours of the rainbow.
We’ve also been doing some lovely activities celebrating our wonderful mothers and special people in our lives.