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Nurseries News Round-Up – Week 58

Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!


The Beacon, Rendlesham

The Toddlers’ topic for the week is ‘All About Me’, so they’ve been studying their faces closely using mirrors and then attempting to draw themselves.

At carpet time they discussed their interests and what they like to do when at nursery. They then drew their favourite toys to go on their Interests Board.

The Toddlers also learnt all about their bodies, having fun pointing to all the different parts on themselves and then adding the labels to the correct places on the body.


The Babies had fun exploring their animal-themed tray!

They practised all the various sounds they thought they would make and made marks using the animals’ feet.


The Anchor, Huntingdon

More changes to this week’s menu – the Pre-School made Gruffalo Crumble today which was delicious.

On Friday, we will be having tuna pasta for lunch instead of sausage, mashed potatoes and beans.


The Appletree, Attleborough

Happy 4 July, everyone!

The children made flags and celebrated Independence Day using blue, white and red craft materials which represent the American flag.

This activity was a lot of fun and featured lots of communication. The children recognised the different colours and the activity helped to promote their fine motor skills.

Independence Day 2023 was celebrated on 4 July. It is an annual holiday celebrated on the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It is also the national day of the US

Here is the story of Independence Day:


The Cornerstone, Martlesham

The Barn Owls showed good hand and eye co-ordination and developed their fine motor skills by exploring threading.

They also showed good group play whilst participating in a matching dinosaurs game.


Head Start, Ramsey

We’re so proud of our gorgeous British summer garden here at Head Start.

We have tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, herbs and strawberries.

The children are learning how to plant seeds, watch them grow, wait patiently for them to mature and then EAT them!


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