Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!

The Beacon, Rendlesham
Babies and Toddlers enjoyed this week’s Under the Sea theme. Babies had a sensory experience with their foam sea, learning about all the different sea animals.
Toddlers got sticky making sea-life stained-glass window pictures, guessing what the animal silhouettes were.

The Appletree, Attleborough
We explored the celebration of the Hindu festival of lights – Diwali.
We read a story about the traditions of Diwali and made Diya lamps out of salt dough and sequins. The home corner was also transformed into a Diwali Sweet Shop – including popcorn and churro machines.
The Russets have also been exploring Diwali and explored mehndi & rangoli patterns using hand cut outs and various mark-making tools.
Learn more about Diwali and listen to the story here: https://youtu.be/9aSkESrxXs4?si=wqueBB5IkUU5eN7r
Watch the CBeebies story of Rama & Sita here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/.../lets-celebrate-diwaliperformance

The Ark, Watton
We have all enjoyed a visit from the Norfolk Fire & Rescue service today. The children enjoyed using the fire hose, exploring the fire engine and, of course, sitting in there.
I have it on good authority we have officially had the most children sitting in the back of the fire engine!

The Cornerstone, Martlesham
The Pre-Schoolers spoke about why many people wear a poppy on Remembrance Day and the days leading up to it. We also watched a small clip about this, made especially for children.
We then looked at the colours on the poppy and had a go at creating our own, using sponge painting, brushes and glitter.

The Anchor, Huntingdon
The children have been having loads of fun recently, including dressing up for their Halloween party.
They smashed pumpkins and gave the pieces to the squirrels, birds and other animals in the forest and then jumped in all the muddy puddles from all the rain we've had recently.

Head Start, Ramsey
A fun filled week at nursery talking about Halloween and fireworks.
We have also spoken about firework and sparkler safety.
The children thoroughly enjoyed dressing up and exploring pumpkins and lots of messy play.
The children helped the adult open the pumpkin, then scooped the inside out of the pumpkin, using scoops and their hands.
They discussed the texture and how it felt slimy, sticky and wet.
The children have also been exploring numbers and colours. We extended this by making firework pictures and rockets. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… blast off!
We’ve been singing, ‘Zoom, zoom, zoom, we are going to the moon’.
We also enjoyed many books.

Woodbridge Day Nursery, Woodbridge
Our little Acorns in the baby room have been learning the wheels on the bus with our apprentice Gracie!

Halesworth Day Nursery, Halesworth
This week at nursery we have been learning about Diwali – the festival of light.
We explored the water tray ,which was full of lots of colours, sparkles and some no-flame candles in diyas.
We used our hands to splash and explore and enjoyed looking at all the sparkles and colours. We’ve also been making our own rangoli pictures and making marks in sand to reveal the bright colours.
Here’s a story that explains all about Diwali, Rama and Sita for you to watch at home with your little ones.